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Friday, July 22, 2011

Daniel & Myriam

My first wedding.... wow! What a job... and what an honor! I really enjoyed doing this more than I thought I would.  I did feel a little overwhelmed and definitely learned from the experience - a few things I should have done and a few things I shouldn't have done.  I'm also realizing that each time you dive into something bigger than you are ready for, it truly shows you where you're lacking and helps you realize that there's still a LOT to be learned.  But... what other way can you learn what you need to know other than hands-on experience (good & bad)?  I am happy with some of the pictures I got at this wedding (which I'm VERY thankful for... I hoped I would get at least a couple of good pictures!).  I have a lot of work to do editing them (I took 992 pictures so I need to majorly sift through what I have, keep only the best, and then do some tweaking to give them a special touch of professionalness - is that a word?).  Here are a few that I started with.... these aren't necessarily the pictures I consider to be the "best" from the lot (some of them may be) - I just randomly started with the pictures I took of the couple after the ceremony.  Wish me luck as I sift through and edit the rest.  I really think that is the second crucial part of being a good photographer (after you've taken some awesome pictures of course).  =)  Thanks again for stopping by!


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